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Guest judge: Marcus Rebeschini, chief creative officer, Y&R Asia

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   ASIA    March 24, 2010 02:52 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19) week's guest judge is Marcus Rebeschini, chief creative officer of Y&R Asia. 2008 marked a return to Asia for Marcus, who enjoyed great success during his years at TBWA Singapore. He was part of the team that won the agency various local and regional Agency of the Year citations.
Campaign Brief Asia named him Advertising Person of the Year for consistent creative excellence over a two-year period. He also helped TBWA Singapore win their first ever Gold lions - a feat he later repeated for print while working at TBWA/Chiat/Day New York.
Marcus has won hundreds of industry accolades, including Golds and Best of Shows. His campaigns have been included in the top 10 of Shots and the Gunn Report. In 2009, he won some more lions and together with Edward Ong, was accepted into the Guinness Book of Records for their work on Colgate. Marcus currently works with 17 offices throughout Asia.

Come back and ask me in 15 days what I think is the best TV spot; after Philips Parallel Lines premieres on April 8th.
Carlton Draught 'Tingle' deserves a mention I feel, a little creepy, but another great Ant Keogh entertainer nonetheless.

Isn't life great? One day you're that know-nothing junior being told by your boss that your idea needs to work harder. Then next thing you know; you get to critique your ex-boss's work on bestads. So let's start, the TAC ad. Nigel you really should go back to the drawing board on this one mate. Ok idea, but a bit of a first thought. Sorry couldn't resist. Hi Nigel.
Anyhow, for the best print ad, my vote definitely has to go to Stella Artois. Simple. nicely done. Enough said.

It's been a while since I've seen a good strong benefit demonstration ad that made me jealous. Would have loved to experienced that at Burger King. Killer stuff.
Tua vs. Friday fight deserves a mention - small but effective and the cardboard record player is an interesting way to get people to listen to a reel. But again, hats off to the Whopper idea. Damn!!

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