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Guest judge: Matthew Bull, CCO, The Bull-White House, New York

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    September 28, 2011 09:58 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
I'm afraid none of these stand out as anything special at all. They're not bad, more like vanilla, with little or no toppings. Only Fedex has a little sprinkle because of its tactical nature - it launched here as the movie Contagion launched. But not enough to win the day I'm afraid. So everyone comes tie last. Or first, depending on how you view life.

All finalists were pretty, but only two had brains. First place goes to Eagle Awards simply because it's enticingly art directed and written - it's very hard not to read. Unlike so many that are the exact opposite. Mind you, on the subject of hard to read - second place goes to Magma Water 'Braille'. Whilst not the newest idea, it is the newest promise I've seen for a water and is pretty compelling.

I am of the rare breed that appreciates both the classics, and the modern. For a classic piece of outdoor, look no further than RAC Road Side Assistance. Guaranteed to raise a smile, and a thought, whenever you pass it. For the modern, the Dow Chalkboard right here in our home town. Visually appealing (I heard people saying: "what the hell is that?" as I myself walked past it), and if you're the inquisitive type it's fascinating and involving and, ultimately, rewarding. Strange that in this modern age, the old rewards instantly, and the new age much much later. So 1st place goes to... Chalkboard. Sorry Mom.

Dodge wins hands down. My only criticism is that, in this particularly one, they should have made the location physically more demanding to demonstrate the abilities of the car more. Still, a brave and entertaining idea. Second goes to Phillips. Clever enough work for a much-needed product in the Bull household. shot 2011-09-28 at 12.56.05 AM.jpgThis week's guest judge is Matthew Bull, the former Lowe global chief creative officer who has just teamed up with fellow South African Andrew Whitehouse and American Lee Davis to form The Bull-White House.

Founded in partnership with MDC Partners, the New York based firm will officially open its doors on October 1, 2011 with first clients AB-InBev and social media company, Syncapse.

The Bull-White House will operate out of its New York headquarters with Bull and Whitehouse focusing on creative duties and Davis heading up account management and new business development.

Bull served as chief creative officer of Lowe Worldwide since 2005 when he moved over from his position as CEO of Lowe London. He began his career in South Africa, eventually founding Lowe Bull in 1996, which he grew into one of the top five agencies in the country, consistently ranked in the top 50 creative agencies on the Gunn Report. He's perhaps best known for his work on Stella Artois, HSBC, Rexona, Magnum, and Dulux.

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