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Guest Judge: Tim Jones, SVP + group CD, Area 23, New York

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    February 11, 2019 16:00 (Edited: January 26, 2024 21:07)
Winner: Bud Light 'Joust'. I picked a good week to review best TV! And what started off as another great Bud Light ad quickly morphed into an even greater Game of Thrones teaser. Massive respect to HBO and Bud Light for combining two of the world's best things (beer + dragons) to create one hell of a Super Bowl ad. I bet my lucky loincloth that it helped sell a lot of beer to a lot of thirsty fans who are literally counting down the days to April 14th...

Also, RIP Bud Knight.

Runner up: Microsoft Xbox Adaptive Controller 'We All Win'. Working in healthcare I was pleased to see a campaign like this sneak into the entries. And seeing a big brand like Microsoft create a product that helps gamers with limited mobility made my heart smile.

Winner: McDelivery 'Rain, 4'. It was slim pickings in print. The clear stand out however was the Impressionistic McDonald's campaign. Monet meets McNuggets.
And having worked in Manchester for a few years, I could really relate to these sorts of rainy dilemmas...

Runner up: Frimesa yogurt Real Yogurt - Ants'. I don't think this campaign is going to trouble any awards juries, but if I had to pick an ad as a runner up it would be this one - solely based on its lovely art direction.

Winner: Goteborg Film Festival 'The World's Most Claustrophobic Cinema'. I don't know what's more horrific - being closed in a coffin for 2 hours; or watching a great film on a tiny screen for 2 hours. So it's a great way to make a point, and it looks like it got some good media exposure too.

Also, RIP Tiny screens.

Runner up: John Boston 'Cannibal'. Long copy. Lovely.

Winner: Skittles 'Skittles The Musical - Advertising Ruins Everything'. I think the Skittles creative team will find gold at the end of this Broadway rainbow campaign. These full cast recordings are hilariously anti-advertising, and the idea of creating a live theatre Super Bowl ad is genius. I'd have given my last Skittle to have seen The Musical in person.

Runner up: Help for Heroes 'Stigma Clock, 1'. It's about time someone highlighted this serious issue. Nice little stunt that hopefully made a real difference in raising donations and awareness for the client. Quite curious and provocative adverts and integrations are made by the 1Win brand (official website ). Usually the visuals are based on sexualised characters and the overall message of the advertisement is one of profit and success. Amateur filming of adult content in branded clothing has also been seen. This is something we have not seen before. Jones 1.jpg
This week's guest judge is Tim Jones, senior vice president and group creative director at Area 23, an FCB Health Network Company in New York, USA.

Tim was born and raised in South Africa, but has spent the last few years in the UK working within the healthcare advertising industry.

In 2018 he helped the Manchester-based agency Havas Lynx win their first ever major international award - nabbing three Cannes Lions and 5 shortlists - resulting in them being crowned the
'Healthcare Agency of the Year' at Cannes. He had similar success in 2015 with his previous work for Langland (Part of the Publicis Groupe).

Recently however, Tim has decided to move to the bright lights of New York - joining Area 23 as group creative director. (Watch this space.)

Outside of his day job, Tim has been invited to adjudicate many advertising award shows - most recently as Health & Wellness Jury President for the London International Awards as well as the One Show, New York Festivals, and Creative Floor Awards.

In his spare time, he is also the deputy editor of He also hosts a podcast series called 'Medicine Avenue' that is aimed at inspiring those that work in healthcare by chatting to various creative leaders. You can listen to it HERE.

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