International Freelance Film Editor & Post Production Supervisor
With a career spanning 20 years both in Australia and internationally, Morris’ storytelling represents the breadth of advertising, categories and genres. His wealth of experience and strong technical skill set has allowed him to weave seamlessly between drama, comedy, fashion, live-action and CGI projects.
His passion is nothing short of infectious and a swag of awards is testimony to his dedication to editorial craft.
Morris has been recognised around the globe with accolades at Cannes, The One Club, AWARD, Ciclope and Spikes to name a few.
For the last two years Morris has been awarded the Ellie for Best Commercial Editor at the Australian Screen Editors Awards, as judged by his peers - He is also one of the highest nominated editors at the ASE.
His work on the TEDx opening titles has been selected as a finalist at SXSW for 3 years running and it also won at the One Screen Awards this year.
Morris has also edited a number of successful films and documentaries including The Craft which was awarded Best Fiction Short at The One Club, and The Real Bangkok Hilton which won the prestigious Peabody Award and remains one of BBC’s highest rating documentaries on British Television.
Joe is available to edit anywhere in the world.