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Guest judge: Damon Collins, ECD, RKCR/Y&R, London

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    November 10, 2010 03:17 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19) week's guest judge is Damon Collins, executive creative director, RKCR/Y&R, London.

TV Winner: PlayStation 'Victor'. This is a beautifully crafted piece of work based on a strong thought: how wonderful life would be if we were constantly surprised and delighted by everything we experienced. The effects are faultless and the film gets better as it goes on. Very watchable.
TV Runner-Up: Renault 'Hitchhiker' 'Falling in love with product' is well-worn territory, especially in car ads, but the last scene in this film satisfactorily makes up for all the 'car porn' up front.

Print Winner: UNICEF 'Family'. As a father who doesn't feel he spends enough quality time with his kids, this ad resonated with me. I love the idea that the only time we can view a truly positive 'picture' on a TV is when it's off. It's a clever, simple execution that forces the viewer to think.
Print Runner-Up: VW 'King'. VW has a long history of using minimal elements to create maximum impact. This ad does that.

Outdoor Winner: Carlton Magnatron. A ten-story arcade game, using a massive magnet attached to a 30 foot crane, in which you can win a truck? Hmmm. Now what part of that wouldn't be a laugh to either watch or take part in. A fantastic example of where outdoor is going: event, PR and program content all in one.
Outdoor Runner-Up: Organ donation queue. With charity fatigue hitting most of the planet I love the thought of making the issue of organ donation tangible for people. A nice PR-able stunt that will have hopefully helped save lives.

Interactive Winner: Grey Goose 'The Dashboard'. Reminiscent of the Sprint Now widget, this elegant site offers data on a selection of cities in which the target audience could enjoy the world's most sophisticated vodka. It's dead on brand, entertaining and, perhaps, even potentially useful.
Interactive Runner-Up: Cadbury 'The impossible hoop challenge'. This site offers hours of fun for all the family as well as friends, acquaintances and enemies... anyone in fact who might want to compete against someone else in the lead up the Olympics. Charming stuff appropriate to the Cadbury brand.

Damon began his career in 1986, at FCB. He then moved to Gold Greenlees Trott, to work under the legendary Dave Trott. After spells at Leagas Shafron Davis Chick, as deputy creative director, and Saatchi and Saatchi, as a creative group head, he moved to Abbott Mead Vickers, to work for the industry's other legendary Dave, or rather David.

In 2000 he moved to Lowe, where he was promoted, by Sir Frank, to executive creative director. He then moved to Shoreditch's Mother as creative director.

In 2008 he joined RKCR/Y&R. Under his tenure the agency has won numerous awards and accolades, including becoming the only ad agency ever to win not only one BAFTA, but two.

He is married, with two children, one dog and a Ducati.

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