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Guest judge: Derek Green, CCO, Saatchi & Saatchi Switzerland

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    January 12, 2011 03:11 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19) week's guest judge is Derek Green, the chief creative officer at Saatchi & Saatchi Switzerland for both Geneva & Zurich offices. Previously from Sydney Australia, Derek first started his career at Saatchi New Zealand, left the network & then returned to Saatchi 10 years later, this time in Switzerland. Derek has called Geneva home for the past 4 years. He heads a unique office that is almost the United Nations of Advertising with over 18 nationalities, creating campaigns throughout Europe for P&G, Novartis, Orange, CPW & HP. He's been recognized at all the usual award shows around the world.

As an Australian, I always look forward to the Lamb Australia Day ads. So this is my winner. Fingers crossed with all the floods down there that they can manage to slap a few chops on their floating Barbies. While my runner up must go to the H2Oh! ad. I love it how the father rubs his braid under his nose. Creepy.

The simplicity of both the Stihl and Ford Transit ads make these real standouts. It's a toss up but I'm leaning toward Ford and the runner up is Stihl.

This was tough. The Chevrolet cinema idea has been done a few times before, Kit Kat's a bit of a cheap gag and the Breast idea is lacking an idea. So my runner up is the Singapore Environment Council while my favourite is the Ranfurly Frontier Lager poster. But in saying this, you really have to see the entire campaign to understand it.

My runner up for interactive goes to the slick looking Jay-Z site while my winner goes to Puma Life Scoreboard. It's a really nice and simple insight. Not sure how many people would use it though.

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