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Kayari: The Mos-kill-to-billboard

 OUTDOOR   THAILAND    August 16, 2024 16:06 and anew advertising Bangkok unveil innovative mosquito-repelling billboards, The Mos-kill-to Billboard. The campaign transforms ordinary billboards into mosquito-repelling billboards and installs them throughout Bangkok. These billboards incorporate three key features designed to keep communities and commuter’s mosquito-free. This billboard combines yellow light, which has been proven to deter mosquitoes, with 15 KHz frequency waves recommended by the WHO as a safe and effective mosquito deterrent, and Pyrethrum extract, a natural and safe mosquito repellent. These three features work together to enhance the billboard’s effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes. This creative initiative is particularly beneficial for people waiting at bus stops and those living in mosquito-prone areas, providing them with a safer and more comfortable environment. anew advertising’s commitment to innovative solutions and community welfare is evident in this campaign, reflecting the company’s motto: “Never Say Never, Always ANEW.”


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