FTW Agency Indonesia, in partnership with Pandit Football Indonesia, has introduced a thought-provoking initiative to commemorate the solemn one-year anniversary of the tragic Kanjuruhan Stadium incident. The harrowing event, which claimed the lives of 135 individuals during the gripping Arema vs Persebaya match, continues to remain unresolved. In an innovative approach to reignite public awareness and demand justice from relevant authorities and policymakers, FTW Agency and Pandit Football Indonesia conceptualized the âRe-issue the Issueâ campaign. This campaign entailed the reissuance of a dedicated newspaper edition focusing exclusively on the one-year mark of the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy. Notably, these newspapers were enclosed within âtear gas chambers,â symbolizing the oppressive tear gas used by law enforcement during the distressing episode. Strategic placement of these tear gas chambers in prominent locations, including police stations, football stadiums, and public gatherings, served as poignant reminders of the ongoing quest for justice. Furthermore, the chamber was prominently displayed during the 1 Year Kanjuruhan Commemoration event, amplifying the campaignâs message of remembrance and advocacy for justice. As a result, the campaign garnered significant attention, leading to an impressive 64,460 signatures on the change.org petition, reflecting widespread public support for accountability and justice.