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Guest Judge: James Mok, regional ECD, APAC, FCB International

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    March 07, 2016 10:16 (Edited: February 17, 2023 04:19)
Winner: Android - Rock, Paper, Scissors. Doing cool work is a creative's dream. Doing popular cool work is really hard. "Be together. Not the same." is a brilliant strategy for Android and one that will challenge, over time, blind loyalty to Apple. And with work like this, building on an already impressive catalogue of loveable work, it may come sooner than anyone thinks.

Runner Up: Burger King France. McDonald's laid down the challenge and BK didn't shy away. Tit for tat advertising can become a pissing competition but in this case, you can't help smiling for the little guy. Shame about the cut back to the couple eating though.

Winner: VW - Zebra. Classic understated wit from VW.

Runner Up: UN World Food Programme. The minimalist image invites a double-take and invites reflection. Not a massive leap but nevertheless hard to achieve in this jaded category.

Winner: smart fourtwo. It's fun. It's cheeky. It's a totally charming piece of social engagement designed to push our buttons. It sells the car and makes you smile at the same time. Bang on brand.

Runner Up: Sorry, flatlined on everything else.

Winner: Wyborowa Wodka. So few interactive ideas actually get much interaction. Wyborowa takes the winner's medal here because it playfully dares you to test out the app (and probably have a wicked time doing it). The film feels a little contrived but it's a simple and fun mobile idea that's a good example of a brand living in their drinkers' world, not the other way around.

Runner Up: Samsung - #Befearlessofheights. VR is the next big thing apparently. So how refreshing to see a webfilm showing off the tech in a way that elevates it to be a social saviour rather than a social isolator. Mok_FCB_B&W (1).jpg
This week's guest judge is James Mok, regional executive creative director, Asia Pacific, FCB International, based in New Zealand.

James is a graphic design dropout who ended up in advertising. Just as well because advertising has been a kind mistress.

He's done the rounds having worked at a number of network agencies, indie agencies and as a partner at his own agency.

He's been a creative, a planner and creative director. He's judged at Cannes, D&AD, Clio and AWARD, and he's spoken at Spikes Asia.

Work highlights: he's changed the way people seek help for depression, helped develop the most loved electronics brand in New Zealand, encouraged people to drink less alcohol (no mean feat in New Zealand), made DIY a cultural movement, and played his part in getting shelter dogs to drive a car.

James has been executive creative director at FCB New Zealand since 2005. During this time the agency has won Agency of the Year, Creative Agency of the Year, Most Effective Agency of the Year and Media Agency of the Year awards a total of eight times. It’' been a good run.

For the last four year James has also been FCB regional ECD for Asia Pacific. Being New Zealand born with Chinese blood, it seems like a perfect fit.
James has a simple philosphy - love what you do and don't be a dick.

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