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FealGood Foundation: Walls of Honor

 INTERACTIVE   USA    September 09, 2024 08:43 places are an important and inextricable part of New York City’s identity. And on the walls of many of these pizzerias, locals and tourists alike have become accustomed to seeing photos of notable celebrities, athletes, and cultural icons. As we approach the 23rd remembrance of 9/11, iconic pizzerias including Prince Street Pizza, Patsy’s, Juliana’s, Bleecker Street Pizza, John’s of Bleecker, and Paulie Gee’s Slice Shop are reimagining their iconic walls to showcase a different set of NYC heroes. For the week of 9/11, these pizzerias are dedicating their walls to 9/11 first responders. As many surviving first responders from 9/11 face ongoing medical complications due to their service at the World Trade Center, independent creative agency Rethink has partnered up with the non-profit FealGood Foundation to activate the Walls of Honor campaign, collaborating with NYC pizzerias to temporarily replace celebrity photos with photos of some of the many surviving 9/11 first responders who continue to be an integral part of NYC. This initiative will allow for customers passing through the shops to not only honour these men & women’s heroic service by learning about their story, but also help donate to their ongoing medical care.


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