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Lipton: Tangy Sweet Fizzy Tongue Twister

 INTERACTIVE   THAILAND    September 15, 2024 07:57 (Edited: September 15, 2024 17:57) Za isn’t just the average lemon tea; it's got that "Tangy, Sweet, and Fizzy" punch in every sip, refreshing you in one go. Just hearing "Tangy, Sweet, and Fizzy" should make you think of Lipton Za!So, Lipton Za wants to share this Tangy, Sweet, and Fizzy vibe beyond just drinking it.
We're creating an online experience where "Tangy, Sweet, and Fizzy" is more than just words—it's a whole mood.


Heinz Ketchup: Pickle Flavoured Ketchup

 INTERACTIVE   AUSTRALIA    September 12, 2024 06:39 a sea of NPD in the supermarket aisle it takes a lot to cut through and stand out. We were tasked with launching the new Pickle Flavour variant of Heinz Ketchup to a fickle and fad driven Gen-Z audience.To launch Pickle Flavoured Ketchup in a memorable and unmissable way we sent a human pickle into the world’s largest tomato festival – la Tomatina in Spain.


Soap Me Up: From Oil To Soap

 INTERACTIVE   ECUADOR    September 12, 2024 06:36 pills that creates soap from used cooking oil in less than a minute
A single liter of used cooking oil from our favorite meals can contaminate up to 1 million liters of water. Every year, approximately 25 billion liters of used cooking oil are discarded into the environment, resulting in the contamination of 25 trillion liters of water. This pollution has a devastating impact on aquatic ecosystems, harming flora and fauna and making clean drinking water harder to access. While some major fast-food brands have experimented with using their cooking oil for biodiesel, this solution is often impractical and costly for households.


Fujifilm: Mindography

 INTERACTIVE   AUSTRALIA    September 12, 2024 06:32“This is literally cutting-edge, mind-reading research.”- Dr Paul Scotti, Research Scientist.Fujfilm INSTAX is proud to present [Mind]ography, the world’s first memories printed straight from the mind.[Mind]ography is an experiment that sits at the intersection of science and art. Lead by a team of experts, the memory reconstruction process combined fMRI brain scans and cutting-edge machine learning to literally reconstruct memories from the mind.


Barkov City: Welcome To Barkov City

 INTERACTIVE   FINLAND    September 10, 2024 11:09 Wednesday, August 31, 2024, Tampere, Finland was transformed into "Barkov City" as Aleksander Barkov celebrated the Florida Panthers' historic Stanley Cup victory with his hometown. Barkov, who became the first Finnish-born NHL captain to win the Stanley Cup


FealGood Foundation: Walls of Honor

 INTERACTIVE   USA    September 09, 2024 08:43 (Edited: September 09, 2024 18:43) Foundation.png&width=200Pizza places are an important and inextricable part of New York City's identity. And on the walls of many of these pizzerias, locals and tourists alike have become accustomed to seeing photos of notable celebrities, athletes, and cultural icons. As we approach the 23rd remembrance of 9/11, iconic pizzerias including Prince Street Pizza, Patsy's Pizzeria, Juliana's, Bleecker Street Pizza, John's of Bleecker, and Paulie Gee's Slice Shop are reimagining their iconic walls to showcase a different set of NYC heroes. For the week of 9/11, these pizzerias are dedicating their walls to 9/11 first responders. As many surviving first responders from 9/11 face ongoing medical complications due to their service at the World Trade Center, independent creative agency Rethink has partnered up with the non-profit FealGood Foundation to activate the Walls of Honor campaign, collaborating with NYC pizzerias to temporarily replace celebrity photos with photos of some of the many surviving 9/11 first responders who continue to be an integral part of NYC. This initiative will allow for customers passing through the shops to not only honour these men & women's heroic service by learning about their story, but also help donate to their ongoing medical care.


Liquid Death Yeti: Life Sized Casket Cooler

 INTERACTIVE   USA    September 03, 2024 15:51 (Edited: September 04, 2024 01:51) a life-sized casket for death-sized beverages: The Casket Cooler from Liquid Death x YETI. Featuring Triple Foam ColdCell technology, once you fill this one-of-a-kind giant casket with ice and Liquid Death, it will become the life of any party. But when we say "one-of-a-kind" we mean it. We only made one Casket Cooler for sale. So place your bid now.


Cathay: Every Move Counts

 INTERACTIVE   HONG KONG    August 31, 2024 09:51 is paying tribute to Hong Kong’s Paralympians by making trailblazing historic moments visible again in a campaign called ‘Every Move Counts’.The achievements of Hong Kong’s Paralympians have long been neglected, and therefore barely recorded – in fact, broadcast networks in Hong Kong first aired the Paralympics only a few years ago in 2021.


Amnesty International South Africa: ScanTheScar

 INTERACTIVE   SOUTH AFRICA    August 31, 2024 09:50 2022, over 105,000 girls aged 10­–19 gave birth. For Amnesty International South Africa, this is a ‘crisis that cannot be ignored’. To this end, they, in partnership with Joe Public have launched their most recent campaign, #ScanTheScar. In collaboration with Woman and Home and Bona magazines, the print campaign was launched. Readers were encouraged to ‘scan the scar’ – an image of a caesarean scar on a young girl's stomach embedded with a Spotify code.


Finish: Tradition To Finish

 INTERACTIVE   KAZAKHSTAN    August 29, 2024 08:59
Daughters-in-law in Kazakhstan have to wash dishes by hand, as a tradition supported by their mothers-in-law, even despite the availability of modern dishwashers.


Novotel: Best 000 Email Ever

 INTERACTIVE   BRAZIL    August 29, 2024 08:55 (Edited: August 29, 2024 18:55)’s never felt a twinge of jealousy and the desire to be “out of office,” too, when you get a vacation autoreply? With that in mind, Accor, the world leader in hospitality, and its ad agency, AlmapBBDO, put together an initiative to promote the Novotel brand and its concept of ‘bleisure.’ The result is an unprecedented, lighthearted play on people’s “envy” of their vacationing colleagues, in the form of “The Best OOO Email Ever.”


Basic Fit: Samsung Galaxy Space Squat

 INTERACTIVE   NETHERLANDS    August 29, 2024 08:53 and Samsung have created Galaxy Space Squat; an interactive fitness experience that turns gym-goers into human game controllers. Created by agency Cheil WW Benelux, Galaxy Space Squat uses Galaxy wearable devices to track the motion of gym-goers on Squat machines, using the data to control an Arcade game-style spacecraft on Samsung screens positioned in front of the gym machines. Designed to promote the launch of Galaxy Watch 7 and Ultra to Gen Z, the Galaxy Space Squat experience takes a leap beyond just gamifying individual work-outs; the experience connects Gen Z fitness fans across multiple Basic-fit gyms


Indigenous Peoples Movement: #SavedFlags

 INTERACTIVE   BRAZIL    August 29, 2024 07:59 natives of the Amazon are becoming less visible every day, despite everyone knowing this problem. Our insight was that Instagram's save button resembles a flag, and the algorithm gives more visibility to saved posts over liked ones. So, we started a movement called #SavedFlags on Instagram, where the more people save indigenous posts, the more visible their cause becomes. Native photographers took part, and even an indigenous Emmy-winner gave his support, leading other influencers to join. The movement included a beautiful series of authentic photographs of real natives with the flag tattooed on their bodies with body paint.


Greenpeace: Play For the Future

 INTERACTIVE   SPAIN    August 24, 2024 17:23
According to Forbes, Gen Z is highly conscious of pollution. That is why, according to The Guardian, the Gen Z is stopping from driving cars. However, a Deloitte study found that 27% of Gen Z teens report gaming as their favorite activity. Without knowing it, the time they spend gaming car videogames generates as much CO2 emissions as 17 million of cars in the real world.


Axis Bank: Sanskrit Password

 INTERACTIVE   INDIA    August 16, 2024 14:41 this year’s Indian Independence Day, AutumnGrey India and Axis Bank have launched a distinctive campaign that spotlights Sanskrit, one of the world’s oldest languages,


Australian Conservation Foundation: Natures Cry

 INTERACTIVE   AUSTRALIA    August 16, 2024 14:37 holds the highest rate of deforestation in the developed world. With the government rewriting our nature laws this year, ACF had to find a way to make them listen. ACF partnered with Dr. Lilach Hadany from Tel Aviv University to create the Nature’s Cry project. Her team discovered that plants emit ultrasonic popping noises when in distress- haunting sounds we’ve never heard before.


Cris Sal: Lucky News

 INTERACTIVE   ECUADOR    August 13, 2024 09:58"Lucky News," a fake newscast to keep a sports journalist, Andrés Ponce, considered unlucky by fans, away from the stadiums where the Ecuadorian national football team plays. The newscast features fabricated reports and amusing news, keeping the journalist occupied and away from important matches.


Mad Mex: Big Burrito

 INTERACTIVE   AUSTRALIA    August 10, 2024 15:14 Big Burrito from Mad Mex is a 1kg monster that’s only available for 6 weeks every year. And this year it was going to be paired with a 500ml Liquid Death. This killer combo meant you might slip peacefully away into the mother of all food comas - one that could be permanent.


Ashi Super Dry: Skill Tester

 INTERACTIVE   AUSTRALIA    August 10, 2024 15:13 tester machines are a favourite Japanese pastime and a regular ritual for millions of professionals, retirees, gamers and university students. And now, Australian Asahi Super Dry drinkers.
 To bring beer lovers even closer to modern Japan, Asahi Super Dry has built a real-life Japanese-style claw machine that can be controlled remotely via a smartphone, anywhere in Australia.


Kol Schut: Less Than Exicted To Share

 INTERACTIVE   ISRAEL    August 06, 2024 09:21 hacking LinkedIn’s familiar visual identity, Leo Burnett and BBR Israel have created a powerful tool for individuals to express and share their personal challenges, making these often-silent stories visible to a broader audience.


JBL: Quantum Guideplay

 INTERACTIVE   SINGAPORE    August 06, 2024 09:19 the most popular games accessible for the blind.First-person shooter games have long captivated players, but none of the top five games have been made accessible to the visually impaired. With over 50 million visually impaired gamers worldwide, it’s crucial to make gaming more inclusive. JBL, in partnership with the Blind Society, introduces Guide Play—a groundbreaking technology that enables visually impaired gamers to navigate through sound.


Pepsi: Pepsi Card

 INTERACTIVE   COLOMBIA    July 29, 2024 09:17 you heard about the possible blue card in soccer, you might remember that FIFA is not very convinced according to its president in previous statements, although Pepsi is certainly convinced to make it a reality. During the Copa América, the brand created a fun campaign to give a wink to the red card or rather to its competition. What is it about? Every time there is a foul in the matches of the Costa Rican national team, influencers will become referees and issue blue cards on their social networks, which contain codes to redeem Pepsi on delivery platforms for 10 minutes. This time alludes to the rule that the card would have in the game, where the player would leave for 10 minutes to "refresh."


Safehaven: One In 100

 INTERACTIVE   CANADA    July 25, 2024 07:32 every 100 children in Canada, 1% experiences some form of medical complexity. These children often fall through the cracks of the existing system of care, falling behind their peers. To raise awareness of the 1%, Toronto-based not-for-profit Safehaven is launching One in 100, an illustrated book to shine a light on the medically complex children in our communities that Safehaven works to support. Inspired by the beloved "Where’s Waldo" series, One in 100 takes readers on a visual journey through iconic Toronto landmarks, encouraging them to find the medically complex child within the bustling scenes. This unique storytelling approach demonstrates that medically complex children are important parts of our local communities but often go unnoticed or forgotten.


Cadbury: My Cadbury Era

 INTERACTIVE   UK    July 25, 2024 07:27 (Edited: July 25, 2024 17:27) has today launched a new Gen-AI powered tool named ‘My Cadbury Era’ which places users in classic Cadbury posters to celebrate its 200 year heritage, with a new campaign activation from its agency of record VCCP London. Building on the Yours For 200 Years campaign, which celebrates Cadbury’s 200th anniversary and its long-standing relationship with the British public,


Samsung Galaxy: Shot Control

 INTERACTIVE   NETHERLANDS    July 22, 2024 19:42 part of Samsung Benelux’s partnership with the Dutch Olympic team, Samsung and Cheil WW Benelux have launched an innovative AI performance tool to give the Dutch national men’s 3x3 basketball team an edge. New to the Olympics, 3x3 is the fastest form of basketball. It is a 10-minute game with three players aside, half a court, one hoop, no timeout, and no court-side coach. Player fatigue causes shot accuracy to plummet in the last 90 seconds of the game, so every advantage counts. To provide the Dutch Olympics team with an edge, Cheil conceived and developed ShotControl, an AI-powered sports analytics tool that provides the 3x3 basketball players with detailed information about their performance. The tool enables coaches and players to understand from which precise spot on the court they have the greatest accuracy as fatigue sets in during a match. ShotControl required multiple Samsung Galaxy devices to be Installed in the Dutch National basketball training facilities to capture images and track and map every player’s shot accuracy over multiple weeks of training. Using AI, the ShotControl application builds multiple data sets from the tracking and mapping before converting the data into a dynamic heat map to give players an accurate assessment of who has the best shot accuracy from what court position in the final 90 seconds. ShotControl demonstrates how Samsung Galaxy technology can open up new possibilities. It follows previous successful innovations from Samsung and Cheil Benelux for the Dutch Olympic team, including SmartSuit, which helped the Dutch short-course speed skating team to x4 medals at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, and the FastFrame analytics tool, which helped Niek Kimmann achieve Gold in Tokyo for the Dutch men’s national BMX team.


Deliveroo UAE: Euro Food War

 INTERACTIVE   UNITED ARAB EMIRATES    July 19, 2024 14:03 year’s European Championships are at an end. But one thing that has remained throughout the entire competition is the 'Euro food war’. Fans who flocked to Germany for the month-long tournament have entertained themselves with signs that taunt their opponents about their cuisine. For example, signs like ‘Pasta > Paella’ were held up during Italy versus Spain. Or, signs like Fondue > Fish and Chips’ were held up during Switzerland versus England.


Xbox: Everyday Tactician

 INTERACTIVE   UK    July 18, 2024 09:58 (Edited: July 18, 2024 19:58) London has launched the final episode of The Everyday Tactician, a three-part docuseries ending in Bromley Football Club’s roaring success and promotion to The English Football League, with the help of Nathan Owolabi, a Tactician hired by the club through the game Football Manager 2024.


Nestles NZ: Tux Pupper News Pee Per

 INTERACTIVE   NEW ZEALAND    July 17, 2024 11:01 cute as they are, a new puppy can be an overwhelming experience. And between all the fun and excitement, the first thing you want them to learn is where to use the bathroom. So to give new puppy parents a helping hand with toilet training, TUX Puppy Bites printed an ad designed to be peed on.


Budweiser: BudBankHoliday

 INTERACTIVE   UK    July 13, 2024 17:43 and Sir Geoff Hurst are together launching an ambitious plea aimed at His Majesty King Charles III to declare a bank holiday, if the England Men’s football team achieves a momentous win on Sunday and following on from the Lionesses historic victory in 2022. Sir Geoff Hurst, the last remaining legend from the winning 1966 team, has penned a letter to His Majesty, asking for an extra day of celebrations for the nation to truly come together. To help with the chances of the bank holiday dream turning into reality, Budweiser is also calling on the nation to do their bit too, by backing its online petition for the #BudBankHoliday. All fans need to do is add their name to the petition to show their support.


Spotify: Summer Hits

 INTERACTIVE   ITALY    July 11, 2024 15:22 city park with a carousel and an ice-cream cart; a basketball court that becomes the perfect location for a summer barbecue; a bus stop in Wes Andersonian tones called SANTA FE: the new Spotify campaign for the Estate 2024 playlist immerses us into a dreamlike atmosphere, where the suburban summer is dominated by summer hits and their contagious symptoms.


Mercury: Passwords On The Back

 INTERACTIVE   NEW ZEALAND    July 10, 2024 14:05 (Edited: July 11, 2024 00:05), one of New Zealand’s biggest energy companies, now does broadband. To let people know we offer internet, we had to let them know we KNOW internet.


Amnesty International Italy: The Humanity Check

 INTERACTIVE   ITALY    July 06, 2024 12:08 October 7th a devastating escalation unfolded between Israel, Hamas, and other Palestinian armed groups. In the midst of this turmoil, Amnesty International launched a digital campaign to turn social viewers into activists. "The Humanity Check" leveraged the logic of reCAPTCHA to catalyze social action, transforming routine verification into an act of human solidarity. It challenged the passive online viewers to become agents of change. Each post, infused with up-to-the-minute statistics, culminated in a "Humanity Check" and a call to action to sign our petition for a ceasefire.


Cracker Barrel: Invisible Cookbook

 INTERACTIVE   CANADA    July 06, 2024 12:05 a new campaign led by Courage Inc., the iconic cheese brand Cracker Barrel reveals their first step in combating food waste by turning leftover ingredients into mouth-watering recipes, with the help of some cheese. In partnership with notable Canadian chefs Trevor Lui and Devan Rajkumar, Cracker Barrel has designed the Cracker Barrel Invisible Cookbook platform to inspire culinary ingenuity by demonstrating ways to transform your recipe-list leftovers into new, delicious recipes that are sure to keep you coming back for seconds.


LG: Menopause Mode

 INTERACTIVE   BRASIL    July 06, 2024 12:04 is rolling out beta testing for its newest project and feature - Menopause Mode. By integrating artificial intelligence, ThinQ connectivity technology, and smartwatches, the brand is able to provide a solution to identify and quickly respond to a serious problem faced by women in menopause: hot flashes, waves of heat that cause discomfort and affect sleep, compromising overall well-being. The initiative, created by AlmapBBDO, uses a smartwatch app, pairing wearable tech with a LG air conditioning unit.


Deutsche Telekom: The Summer To Remember

 INTERACTIVE   GERMANY    July 06, 2024 12:03’s most valuable telco brand, Deutsche Telekom, has launched a new campaign with creative partners Saatchi & Saatchi. Entering Whatsapp group chats across Europe, the AI Chat Bot, No Excuses, continues the brand’s commitment to help Gen Zs to make memories and step away from the pressures and stresses for a summer to remember. This year Deutsche Telekom went straight to the source - Whatsapp - the place where all plans for the summer get made, and often get broken.


Coors Light : Time Capsule

 INTERACTIVE   USA    July 03, 2024 10:29 new commercial with @patrickmahomes was almost finished. What were we supposed to do? Put it in a time capsule and bury it underground until some day in the future? Watch to find out.


Samsung: Impulse

 INTERACTIVE   SPAIN    June 29, 2024 13:11 is an idea that offers a solution to a problem that affects more than 100 million people in the world: speech disorders. An app that brings the proven rhythm therapy method from the specialists' clinic to the real world, allowing people to have an invisible speech therapist on their wrist. One that can also be used as a digital speech trainer, as well as offering ongoing personalized exercises to improve your speech problem.


Tater Tots: Protecting Pants

 INTERACTIVE   USA    June 29, 2024 13:09 2004, the world first met one of the 2000's most iconic characters, Napoleon Dynamite, known for his love of Tater Tots. Fans watched as Napoleon snuck Tater Tots into class, only to have the school bully, Randy, yell the unforgettable line, “GIMME SOME OF YOUR TOTS,” and kick Napoleon’s pocket – crushing the crispy and fluffy snack. Now, 20 years later, the Ore-Ida brand – the inventor of Tater Tots – comes to Napoleon’s rescue


Chilis: Big Smasher Burger Time

 INTERACTIVE   USA    June 29, 2024 13:07’s® Grill & Bar is introducing a refreshed version of the cult-classic BurgerTime© arcade game: Chili’s Big Smasher BurgerTime, giving fans the chance to tackle fast-food villains and win free burgers for LIFE. In the restaurant brand’s first video game, art imitates life as players are challenged to save humanity from the overpriced fast-food burger. Fans play as Joe ChiliHead, with the goal to build as many Big Smasher Burgers as they can while fending off fast-food villains and advancing through six levels for mouthwatering prizes.


National Skin Awareness: Thermal Camera Tan

 INTERACTIVE   USA    June 25, 2024 20:31 tailored a thermal camera and intercepted beachgoers to show the effects UV rays have on your skin when you don't use sunscreen and shared the captured images via social and OOH as warnings and reminders to protect yourself against skin cancer.

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