 WOM is the newest mobile operator company in Colombia. Like any new company, it has the enormous task of building trust to raise its considerations levels to achieve conversion. Unfortunately, consideration levels had been low due to various missteps the brand suffered at the beginning of its operation that affected the way the brand was perceived. And even though, WOM has been working harder than ever to prove to all Colombians that it deserves a chance, there still many consumers reluctant to try it, or even consider it. VIEW THE SPOT
 Being a publicist and creative director at DDB Colombia, selling a car posed a challenge, yet I saw it as an opportunity to do something different. I decided to leverage my skills to craft a campaign that would pique interest in my car's sale. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 "Drunk on Victory" is the effect that athletes experience when they put effort into every step, every turn, every play, and every move. These are the sensations they feel as they pursue their goal. VIEW 4 OUTDOORS
 To cause or go through an accident, all it takes is a split second. That's why we decided to launch a campaign where we ask our drivers not to try opening an app while they're behind the wheel. We want their eyes on the road. It's a simple yet powerful idea created to promote and encourage responsible driving in Colombia. VIEW THE 5 ADS
 When you have the speed and quality of ETB fiber optic internet, you can be whoever you want. Under this insight we developed a campaign where we show how a person with a common profession becomes the avatar of their dreams just by connecting to our network. VIEW THE 4 ADS
 The real horror lies in the everyday, in things as simple as the relationship you have with your mobile phone service provider. That's why we took the lights from flashlights that traditionally appear in horror movies to create more suspense and turned them into the lights we see every days the ones on our mobile phones. All of this to encourage people to switch providers and join WOM this Halloween. VIEW THE 5 ADS
 The famous "trick or treat" or "dulce o truco" in Spanish, is one of the most representative phrases of Halloween and that is why it was the inspiration for our concept to put our ketchup in the conversation of all Colombians throughout the month. We changed the word "dulce" for our brand name FRUCO to create a play on words "FRUCO O TRUCO" that was fun and direct, making us relevant in communication and inviting consumers to discover terrifyingly delicious recipes. Agency: Mass Digital VIEW THE 3 ADS
 The trail of movement left by an athlete produces many forms. We must not show Michelob as an athlete, we have to evidence that he has always been one. We take videos of various athletes as they compete, train or enjoy themselves and follow their movements, colors and so on, to show that in the movement trace Michelob and its distinctive brand elements are present. Agency: Proximity BBDO VIEW THE 2 OUTDOOR VIEW THE PRINT AD
 Dogs find joy in toys, games, and balls, but they're equally ecstatic when they can relieve themselves in peace and without worries. Ensuring that your furry friend feels comfortable and content during these moments is a sign of their overall well-being. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 When we talk about unexpected sounds, shadows in the middle of the night or things that turn on and off by themselves, it seems like we are describing a horror scene, until you realize these are just signs to fix or change an item of the house that no longer works. To prove it, Easy comes up with the perfect solution for each scenario because the actual horror is to not fix it. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 Imagine having to listen to an annoying noise in the middle of your meetings, in the morning, at night and that this buzzing has no solution.There is and it is called tinnitus, a disease that causes this buzz in 3% of the world population. Constant exposure to high volume sound can generate it. VIEW OUTDOOR
 Open a book, find a destination. People love to travel, to discover new places and explore them. That's why we decided to show them a new way of traveling; one that is simpler, more affordable, and even, without getting on a plane. With just a good book and a lot of imagination, you can uncover incredible destinations. Agency: GREY VIEW THE 3 ADS
 How to invite Colombians to the largest wine fair in the country, when wine is not preference, and they don't know how to enjoy It because they see it as something complicated and sophisticated? We created "As simple as enjoying a wine" a concept that aimed to educate in a clear, simple, and close way to Colombians about the world of wine. Agency: Sancho BBDO VIEW THE 4 OUTDOOR
 The digital era has led us to live at a dizzying pace, where what is relevant today is forgotten tomorrow. With a trending topic that barely lasts 11 minutes and a 6-second story, society has experienced a change in its mentality and in the way it perceives and assimilates information. Under this dynamic, Fantastica designed the campaign "LET IT GO" VIEW THE 3 SPOTS
 Nescafe is the reflection of an exceptional journey, where the essence of the land is breathed in each cup, bringing us the authentic taste of Colombia in every sip. This film shows how the land grows alongside the labor of every coffee grower and each bean tells a story.â¨Nescafe, our soil brews in every cup. VIEW THE SPOT
 For Father's Month with La Constancia, we wanted to depict -literally- a harsh reality:Â Dad doesnât know how to take selfies, but he sure knows about grilling, and our sauces are his perfect ally to add flavor to his creations. VIEW THE ADS
 At tiendas Jumbo we feel very proud of one of our strongest pillars: The freshness and quality of our fruits and vegetables. That is why we have decided to show them from up close, very close. Alluding to the shopping proximity found on our website, all shown with the same appetizing that characterizes the brand. VIEW THE ADS
 Diego Campos was the world's best barista in 2022. Who better than him, a Colombian champion, to take you to the depths, the notes, the aromas, the flavors and the stories behind the world's most famous coffee. Agency: Havas Colombia VIEW THE ADS
 In alliance with Roblox, we created McDonald's LAND, a world that gamified the entire purchasing process, transforming a traditional combo into a gaming experience that revolutionized our ecommerce and allowed teens to access our products while they played. VIEW THE CONCEPT
 We hacked Free Fire and transformed the world's hottest Battle Royale into a Movistar store. We've set up an unofficial trading system for players to collect in-game coins, drop them to @ely.bells, our Movistar trader, and receive a Movistar Gamer Combo with gigas and a Premium Box with Free Fire in-game items. Booyah! GoldXGigas. VIEW THE CONCEPT
 When you want something, you see it everywhere Yes, the watch you desire appears, The phone of your dreams, The perfect sunglasses, And even the purple headphones you always imagined.That's why, when something keeps spinning in your mind. VIEW THE SPOT VIEW THE 3 ADS
 When you want something, you see it everywhere Yes, the watch you desire appears, The phone of your dreams, The perfect sunglasses, And even the purple headphones you always imagined.That's why, when something keeps spinning in your mind... VIEW THE 3 ADS
 80% of people have the availability to watch series and movies at night, as their daily work doesn't allow them to do so at any other time. Based on this, we decided to create some prints to convey that nights are Prime, leveraging one of the moon phases, waning, which coincidentally forms the Prime logo, extending the message to keep enjoying the platform every night. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 Human stupidity has created a typography that angers the Amazon. When thousands of forests disappear, a letter appears in the empty space. That's why Google Fonts created the Last Words, a tool for the Amazon to express its pain VIEW OUTDOOR
 Brand launch campaign with the message,Mereces Mas. in English, You Deserve More VIEW THE 3 ADS
 In 2023, Tecate will aim to establish a presence in stores and retail outlets with the goal of securing a place within these spaces so that our consumers can uncork the quality of our beer without worrying about the price. VIEW THE AD
 Over the years, there have been more and more pets in our homes, and keeping furniture fur-free is not an easy task.Inspired by this reality, Electrolux is launching "Furry Couches," a new campaign to introduce its pet-friendly vacuum cleaners, exaggerating what happens in petlovers homes, demonstrating that we can live better with our furry friends. VIEW THE 2 ADS
 ''And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'' - Matthew 6:13. There are many religions in the world and each of them has a sacred book. We find that all books have one thing in common: they have verses that teach you how to defeat the Diablo. That's why, for the launch of Diablo IV, we collect and analyze the data from thousands of verses in centuries of religion, decoding them into 666 moves to defeat him in the game. At the end we put them all together in the first sacred book for gamers, sending it to religious leaders around the world to preach his word through the new generations of believers who will fight against the Diablo IV. Agency: The Pub School. VIEW THE CONCEPT
 Throughout history, there have been characters who "sold smoke" and defrauded hundreds of people in the world, whether in the field of art, sport, music, etc. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 Plaza Claro Mall understood that being pet-friendly is not just about allowing pets in the mall's public spaces, which could be stressful for them. It is about creating dedicated pet spaces where they and their owners can enjoy themselves while shopping at their favorite stores and restaurants. With this digital and out-of-home (OOH) campaign, we aim to explain this new service, highlighting the fun and convenience it offers to both pets and their owners. VIEW THE 3 ADS
 Objective Brief: Empower and inspire the youth people to continuing carrying a strong message against racism by joining #IAmAntiracist campaign from UNESCO. IDEA: Create a contract for humanity with the speeches, songs, and poems of great leaders who have given words and powerful thoughts on racism in the past. VIEW THE AD
 Tostadas and Tostaos Bimbo face fierce competition in Colombia, with bakeries that flood every corner of the neighbourhoods. That's why Bimbo decided to launch an integrated campaign aimed at elevating the significance of our toasts, turning them into a ritual a ritual that accompanies the mornings and afternoons of Colombians, elevating them into something sacred. Because Beyond the taste, eating Tostadas and Tostaos Bimbo is devotion. VIEW THE 2 ADS
 We had to promote KFC's Night discounts that run from 6 PM to 10 PM. We discovered that the heaviest hours of traffic in Colombia coincide with those same hours, which is why we came up with a powerful message in the place where people stress the most at those times: public transport. Where we show through real images, daily situations that are lived there to make everyone feel identified, showing them that there's a better place to be at night: KFC VIEW THE 4 ADS
 It is an invitation to perform the autexame using movements that help detect cancer early from mom. Movements that anticipate the future. VIEW THE SPOT
 As mothers, we navigate the enchanted waters of parenthood. We overcome obstacles with resilience that inspires us to be bolder, to dream bigger.The closed doors don't lock our paths, only ignite our inner fire.For we refuse to let others define our worth.We are on a remarkable journey to show the world that we can embrace each challenge and conquer every adversity. We can transform every "NO" into millions of empowering"YESES". VIEW THE SPOT
 June is known for being the month of Father's Day and the environment, which is why at Providencia, we have decided to celebrate it in a different way. While other brands honor fathers or the environment in a conventional manner, we have chosen to bring them together and pay tribute to the fathers of nature, specifically those residing in our natural reserve at Hacienda Piedechinche. We celebrate the animals that sacrifice their lives for their offspring and simultaneously care for the environment. VIEW 1 OUTDOOR VIEW 2 OUTDOOR VIEW 3 OUTDOOR
 Colombia is facing significant challenges in combating corruption, with bribery, diversion of public resources, and use of public office for private gain being among the most prevalent forms of corruption in the country; unfortunately, corruption has become all too common topic for Colombian society, with daily media headlines denouncing the mismanagement of public funds and abandoned public construction projects meant to improve the lives of millions of people.A dream city that puts together in one place $6,7 billion dollars in public projects that Colombians paid for in full with their taxes, projects that, in real life, were left half complete or not done at all, because the money was deviated! VIEW THE CONCEPT
 Volvo had a problem: How to lead the way in technology to protect people and make them feel safe?We had a solution, a very comfortable one.Saver JacketThe first jacket that turns into an airbag.First, we discovered a significant concern, according to the report of "The Platform Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean"published by the Inter-American Development Bank. In Latin America, there are 18 million delivery drivers, and over 70% of them experience traffic accidents. VIEW THE AD
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